Astrology Hub’s Podcast Horoscope for the Week February 18th -24th

Major Theme/ Suggestion for the Week: How do we learn how to wait gracefully?

“Perfect is always ‘something’ in the distance. It’s better to use that ideal as a guide to keep you moving forward rather than getting stuck on where you are right now.” – Donna Woodwell

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Week of February 11th -17th Horoscope

Okay, be honest…how patient are you?

No matter the answer Tuesday’s Virgo Full Moon could inspire a frustrating reality check. A top tip from this forecast—flirt with the idea of “perfect” instead of scorning the obstacles you “think” are in your way. Thoughts and words have the magic to shrink doubt and inspire creativity…or do the opposite. The choice is always yours!

Tune in to know how deep into the week the Full Moon will make itself known, and what to expect out of the weekend… Transformation, maybe?

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Advice from Amanda & Donna

One of the teachers that my daughter had in kindergarten named “Patience,” would say, patience is waiting with peaceSo how do we tune into the peaceful aspect of waiting? I find that trusting in the divine timing of all things can be so very helpful. One of the things that really helps me is focusing on what else may come in.

In the period of time where we’re waiting, there could be another piece of data, there could be another perspective shift. There could be one more thing that needs to come in to make the action that will be taken, or to make the result that we’re trying to get even better.

– Amanda Pua Walsh

One of my magical teachers would talk about “Yes, buts.” Every time I would say “but” she would poke me and say, “Okay, where’s the block going to come from now?” As if on cue the phone would ring or something else would happen and I started to laugh at the process of how easy it is for us to sabotage ourselves.

Changing your language from “but” to “and” can make a difference because “Yes, and I need to figure out how to do X, Y and Z,” is a lot more powerful because it starts the process of creativity. There’s always going to be places in our life that we don’t have enough information. We don’t have enough resources yet. If we can open ourselves to the possibility of creating a path to find them and knowing which ones we need to find, we start tapping into that process that’s more related to abundance rather than the lack of what we have.

Donna Woodwell

We’re gifting one lucky listener of our new, free podcast (the Astrology Hub Podcast) with a one-hour reading with Donna!

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The Astrology Hub Podcast features a weekly astrological forecast and interviews with astrologers and spiritual teachers… 

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Key Astrology Dates from Inner Guide

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*IC Cosmic Update 2.19* Full Moon @ 7:53 AM PT. Let’s say this affirmation and the collective network of light created by us will build this in our lives: “I am reborn from within and I CAN do things that the “old me” could not do.”-David Cochrane

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Feeling Overwhelmed by the Full Moon?

Click here for our FREE Full Moon Essentials Guide to Work Consciously with the Full Moon Energies!

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  1. Kim on February 19, 2019 at 12:37 pm

    These are so helpful..and always timely.
    So grateful !!

  2. Michael Kintzel on February 20, 2019 at 3:50 pm

    Very good practical application and interpretation of transits. I would enjoy drawing correlations to national and world news events.

  3. Ohh Ohhhhh on February 21, 2019 at 1:08 am

    An easy to understand, concise debriefing of the week’s astrological atmosphere and tips on how to keep our current expectations, frustrations and self-sabotaging at bay. Excellent weekly style. Thanks, Donna and Amanda.

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