The 9th House

About the 9th House

Opposite the Moon is the Sun, of course. And so no surprise that the Ninth House is the House of the Sun.

To the ancient Greeks, the Sun was Apollo, who oversaw the Oracles of Delphi. And so prophesies, dreams and mysteries found their place in the 9th house.

All ways to explore the mysteries, philosophy and religion belonged in the Ninth House. In other words, anything that can get you outside of your comfort zone so you can grow.

9th House Astrology Keywords

People: Foreigners, teachers, professors, philosophers, diviners, priests, judges

Places: Foreign countries, colleges, churches

Things:  Religion, law, education, astrology/astronomy, expanded horizons, big-picture viewpoint, search for meaning, long journeys, quests, higher education, publishing, ideology, philosophy, dreams, prophecy

Modern & Hellenistic Astrology’s Planetary and Zodiac Correlations 

There is often confusion as you go deeper into the symbolism of the Astrological houses for there are a plethora of approaches to interpreting them. Modern Astrologers commonly refer to the “Natural House System” opposed to the ancient Hellenistic Astrological approach of using what are called the “Planetary Joys”. To learn more about the nuances and details of the Twelve Astrological Houses click here.

Natural House (Modern): Jupiter

Natural House Zodiac Sign (Modern): Sagittarius

Planetary Joy (Hellenistic): Sun

Ancient name (Hellenistic): Place of the Sun / “God”

Mode/Quadrant: Cadent (last)

Sample Questions Answered by the 9th House

  • How do I expand beyond my current horizons?
  • Where and how do I look for meaning?
  • Am I open to unfamiliar ideas and places?
  • How do I get outside my comfort zone?



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